Agapetae Press

tldr: Agapetae Press is currently seeking authors of romance, erotica, and literary fiction with prominent themes of love and relationship.

Agapetae Press Launches Quest for New Authors

Seattle, February 14, 2025 -- What better day to launch a publishing company devoted to the celebration of love, romance, and eros than Valentines Day? Today, Agapetae opens its doors to authors writing romance, erotica, and literary fiction that with love and relationship as a central theme.

In this blossoming age of A.I., Agapetae is looking to publish and promote uniquely human viewpoints. We believe the antidote to the mechanized world of automation and machine-driven content is human passion, and true innovation. Accordingly, across all categories we are looking for stories that surprise, excite, and inspire. We are tired of "the same old tropes" in romance and erotica, and seek true innovators who leave the templates and formulae behind and bring genuinely human experiences to the fore.

If you have a story you think fits this model, please send us a query letter, bio, and sample of your work. Help us understand what will make your story stand out from all the rest!

Agaeptae Press will begin publishing in July of 2025.